Brand Ambassadors

Brand Ambassadors

TalkingRugbyUnion can assist you with working alongside your existing brand ambassador(s) or finding the right ambassador(s) for your brand.

Effective use of brand ambassador adds visibility to your brand as part of your marketing strategy

We can create high quality content with these ambassadors to target your specific corporate requirements – Brand awareness, Product endorsements or Corporate Social Responsibility – or to create buzz for new products or seasonal campaigns

The brand ambassadors can then upload the content to their social media channels or share your brand messages with their followers - connecting those activities with your business strategies

For enquiries, please contact the team at TalkingRugbyUnion for more information

Contact or Max Ashcroft (TRU)
Telephone: +44 (0)1704 821144
Email: or


Brand Ambassadors

TalkingRugbyUnion can:

  • Find you a brand ambassador or work alongside your existing brand ambassadors
  • Create quality content from your existing brand ambassadors to target your specific corporate requirements – Brand awareness, Product endorsements or Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Align launch campaign content and product news with your brand ambassadors

  • Use the content from your brand ambassadors as a ‘teaser’ for your target audience

  • Work with your brand ambassadors to perform specific activities

  • Measure the effectiveness of your brand ambassadors through content delivery analytics and traffic