What's the difference between Rugby League and Rugby Union?


Ask any rugby enthusiast about their love for the game and they would instantly ask you: Union or League?

Live sports are fun to watch, and rugby is certainly one of them. However, what is the difference between the two different types of rugby? As a novice this may confuse you but here's a quick guide to help you understand the differences!

Types of Rugby

There are two types of Rugby Union, and League.

In order to understand the difference, we need to time-travel and press rewind! Rugby Union came into existence in the 19th century. It was first played in The Rugby School, England. Originally, Rugby Union was played by amateurs. You would find gentlemen playing this game for leisure. As for Rugby League, the sport was popular among working class men, and professionals played for monetary reward.

Times have changed, and both types of rugby have gained popularity across the globe. Now you can easily switch on the television and see both rugby league and union in the TV Sport schedule.

You can watch both Rugby Union Today and Rugby League Tonight through TV Sport. Before you start watching the game, let's look at the rules. Although the origin is the same, there are differences between the two which you ought to know.

The Major Differences

  • Rugby Union has 15 players, and League has 13 players.
  • In Rugby League, there are no mauls, lineouts, or rucks.
  • In the United Kingdom, you will find that the North has many Rugby League fanatics while in the South, Rugby Union is more popular. The majority of people enjoy watching Rugby League on TV. If you wish to catch live action, then you can watch Live Rugby League and Rugby Union on TV.

The Game Play

In Rugby league, there are thirteen players, and ten substitutions are allowed. The opposition team does the tackling, but there is a limit to the tackles. Once the tackle limit has been reached, the ball must be passed to the opposite team. When the ball gets kicked out, the opposition team gets a scrum, which is always made up of 6 players from each team.

In Rugby Union, if the ball goes out, the game gets restarted immediately. There are fifteen players and seven substitutions in Union. In the case of minor rule infringements, a scrum will be used for resolving the issue. The scrum in rugby union is more common and consists of 8 players, 4 from each team.

Another major difference between the two types of rugby is the drop goal. In League, the goal is worth two points, and the try is worth four points. In Union, the goal is worth three points and the try allow the player to earn five points.

Catch the Live Action on Television

Rugby enthusiasts can keep track of all the action and watch rugby on TV. Technology is the greatest gift for sports fans because you do not have to buy tickets for watching live sports. Your television and the internet allow you to watch all your favourite sports LIVE!

Since Rugby Union and League have become popular, you can simply check the calendar of Rugby matches and watch them live.

Thankfully, because of live sport on TV, patrons will never miss the victory of their favourite teams.
